52词语>英语词典>Mansion House翻译和用法

Mansion House

英 [ˈmænʃn haʊs]

美 [ˈmænʃn haʊs]

网络  伦敦市长官邸; 市长官邸; 大厦之屋; 伦敦府邸; 府邸


  • Constructed of white-gray sandstone, the presidential mansion was called the White House as early as1809.
  • Tess thought this was the mansion itself till, passing through the side wicket with some trepidation, and onward to a point at which the drive took a turn, the house proper stood in full view.
  • The mock Tudor mansion house has ten bedrooms and13 bathrooms all with high ceilings and dark hardwood floors.
  • The23 existing couplets belonging to the mansion house best manifest Zhang's wit and humor, his political ambition, attitude and his attachment to hometown and relatives.
  • When I was sworn in as the Governor of the State of Washington I moved into the Governors residence, or what we call the Governors mansion, which was literally one mile from the house where my grandfather had served as a servant.
  • My new house is to have nothing Gothic about it, nor pretend to call cousins with the mansion-house.
  • Over its200 year history, it has been known by other names, including the Executive Mansion and the President's House.
  • The mansion in the book was inspired by Desai's aunt's house in Kalimpong.
  • Napoleon III moved in the Mansion in1848 when he was elected president, and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor.
  • Mrs Thatcher attended a dinner at the mansion house last night.